Sunday, August 30, 2015

MELAKA, My Hometown: The Shore Sky Tower

Hello everyone!

As I said in one of my posts before this, I will write more about Melaka, my hometown. So, in this post, I will write about The Shore Sky Tower. Enjoy!

On the 28th August 2015, me and my friends decided to travel around Melaka because all of my friends are going to pursue their studies away from Melaka. Some of them are going to Shah Alam, Terengganu and Pulau Pinang. We know that we will not be seeing each other often after this as the transportation is quite pricey.

All of us were raised in Melaka so there aren't many places that we haven't go yet. So, we went to a new attraction in Melaka which is The Shore Sky Tower. It is located beside the Melaka river and Kampung Morten. Because we were raised in Melaka, finding the place was easy. We arrived there in just a nick of time. Before going up to the sky tower, we decided to eat at Seoul Garden because all of us were starving. The Shore is a shopping gallery which consist of a hotel, a shopping complex and a tourist attraction, the sky tower. Amazing!

We arrived at The Shore shopping gallery at 11 am and we were starving because almost all of us didn't take our breakfast yet. So, we decided to eat at the Seoul Garden restaurant. But unfortunately it opens at 11.30 am. So, before eating, we went to a shop called Sasa to look and try some of the makeup stuff there because it is located just near the Seoul Garden.

Girls being girls. Selfie and playing with makeup in just one photo!
A tricycle replica at The Shore shopping gallery.

Me and my friends taking a picture at the mail box replica.
As soon as the Seoul Garden opened, we quickly go to the counter and paid for what we are going to eat in the restaurant. We brought our student card, so we paid much cheaper than the usual price.

Some of the raw meat that have been marinated with various flavours. And we have to cook them ourselves.

After filling our stomach at the Seoul Garden, we went up to the sky tower. It cost us RM18 per person to just go up there. The sky tower in on the 42nd floor of the building and it is the tallest building in Melaka. When we were there, the view was just breathtaking! It is great to see where we were raised all this time from up high. The place is also beautiful. We were just speechless.

Just me.
Me and my friends at the Sky Tower.
Our view from the Sky Tower.

At the sky tower, there is a glass platform where we can ask the photographer to take our pictures. But, we can't take the pictures using our own camera. It must be from the photographer's camera then we can buy one of the pictures for RM45. They gave us the printed version of the picture and a QR code that we can scan and save the picture.

The printed version of our picture and the QR code.

The picture that we saved after scanning the QR code.
So, that's all for this entry. I hope you enjoyed reading it.

Thank you! :)

Thursday, August 20, 2015

My day and night skincare routine

Hello everyone!

Welcome back to my humble blog.

In this entry, I will tell all of you about my skin type and my skincare routine. Firstly, my skin is the combination type of skin but it is kind of more to the oily type of skin and my skin is also an acne prone skin.. Which means sometimes my skin can get dry and flaky at the tip of my nose but almost all the time, oily on my T-zone and all over my face. But it is super sensitive! If I use anything that is not suitable on my skin, my skin will start breaking out. So usually I will choose a skincare product that is suitable for my skin type. It is very frustrating when I wear makeup and my foundation are not applied flawlessly because of the dryness on my nose tip. So, it is crucial for me to moisturize my face everyday. Some people says that people with oily skin should not moisturize but they are actually making a mistake.

To me, I think that I have a very simple skincare routine. Usually I will not buy a product if the product contain harmful chemicals that can damage my skin in a long term. Before this, during my high school years, I don't really care about the product that I used as long as it is easy to get at the shops near my house and as long as it clears my skin from oily as I have an oily skin. But now I am in the university, I started to realise that I can't just simply use any kind of product to my skin. So I started doing some research on the internet and I found I should not be buying products that contain any type of parabens, sodium lauryl sulphate (SLS), perfume and alcohol. But if the alcohol is just in the tiniest amount, it can be used.


Okay, now lets start with cleansing my face in the morning. There are a lot of facial cleansers out there but be careful of the ingredients. Usually when I am in the shower, I will cleanse my face using my gentle facial cleanser. which is the Garden of Eden Rosa T Mild Cleanser for oily and acne prone skin. This cleanser is formulated with Witch Hazel (Hamamelis virginiana) which gives the skin a mild astringent effect that helps minimise pores and keeps skin clean and fresh. It also contains aloe vera which is very moisturizing and doesn't cause skin dryness even after a heavy wash. The bright side of this facial cleanser is that it contains no paraben, SLS, animal ingredients, colouring and alcohol.

After I cleanse my face, I will pat dry my face with facial tissues or facial towel. Never mix your facial towel with your bath towel as it contains more bacteria. Wash your facial towel often to avoid any bacteria that can cause your face to breakout.

Then, I use a toner which is also from Garden of Eden, the Soothing Toner for all skin types which contains Witch Hazel to purify skin, Aloe Vera with Allantoin hydrates skin making it soft and smooth, Grape Seed and Ginkgo Biloba extracts which protects our skin. This toner also contain no paraben, SLS, animal ingredients, colouring and alcohol.

After toning my face, I will moisturize my face. I have three different moisturizers that I am currently using on my face. My ultimate favourite is the Nature Republic Soothing and Moisture Aloe Vera 92% Soothing Gel (I know. The name is quite long). I bought this at the Nature Republic outlet at Mahkota Parade, Melaka for RM36 if I am not mistaken. I really love this one for my morning skincare routine because it can be used all over my body and not only my face. It is also very good for oily skin as it doesn't make my face look oily and it dries out quite fast.. So it is my go-to product whenever I am in a hurry. But the packaging is so big and bulky because there are 300ml of products in it. I don't know when will I finish it because it is so big.

So thats all for my morning skincare routine.


My night skincare routine consist of removing my makeup using The Body Shop Camomile Sumptuous Cleansing Butter, cleansing my face again just like I do in my day skincare routine, scrubbing my face to get rid of any impurities, toning my face and moisturizing. I use the St. Ives Blackhead Clearing Green Tea Scrub. This scrub gently exfoliates my skin and didn't scratch my face like the usual scrub that I bought before this. So I think I will use this like forever! And I still use the Garden of Eden's Soothing Toner to tone my face at night.

But when it comes to moisturizing, I use a bit more powerful moisturizing stuff for my face. I use either the NOW Solutions 100% Pure & Certified Organic Argan Oil or the Catalyst pure Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO). I bought the argan oil for RM90 if I am not mistaken and the virgin coconut oil for RM30. Argan oil is very good for our skin and it has been called the Gold of Morocco. Argan oil has been proven to reduce sebum levels in individuals with oily skin, like me! I will place a drop or two of the argan oil to the palm of my hand and rub it together to heat it up a little bit to make sure it absorbs well into my skin and in patting motion, I pat it onto my face and lightly massage it onto my skin so it absorbs well. What I love about argan oil is that it absorbs quickly and don't left me with a very greasy feeling.

If I am not using the argan oil, I will use the virgin coconut oil on my face. What I love about it, is that I can eat it! It is certified as a supplement and is 100% natural. Each time I use this, when I wake up in the morning, my face feels so moisturized. In addition, it can also be used as a makeup remover and I put it on my lips every single day then when I brush my teeth in the morning, I will use the toothbrush to gently exfoliate my lips so that the lipstick that I use will stay better. It is a great all over oil that you can use it for your face, hair and your whole body.

So, that's all for my day and night skincare routine!
Hope you enjoy this entry :)

Monday, August 10, 2015

MELAKA, My Hometown: A Famosa Water Theme Park

Hello everyone!

Melaka is where I was raised. So, I think it is not wrong to promote Melaka to all of you because it is my beloved hometown which brings one thousand and one memories. The Historical City of Melaka. That's what its called. Tourists from all round the world came here. This charming and beautiful city is certified by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site with a rich trading history and multicultural heritage. Melaka is a town which over the years had been developing various of traditional cuisines. But, in this entry, I am not talking about the cuisines in Melaka but I am talking about one of the places that I went to which is A Famosa Water Theme Park that had been in Melaka for quite some time already.

On the 6th August 2015, my friends and I decided to go to A Famosa Water Theme Park as we were so bored sitting at home and doing nothing. So, that morning, we rented a car at Merlimau for RM65. Thats the charge for using the car for half day in Melaka. And I almost forgot. My friend Tyra brought some fried rice and curry puffs as our breakfast because we were starving like crazy! Thank you Tyra! Then, when we started driving the car, it was raining heavily. Having a positive mind and thought of the rain is going to stop was our mistake. It did stop for a while but then it continued. It was raining like cats and dogs.

We stopped at Aeon Bandaraya Melaka to buy some things and my friend Ila need to go to the Celcom center to fix her broadband. After that we continued out journey to A Famosa Water Theme Park. When we arrived there at 11 am, the rain just won't stop. Before we were drenched because of the water theme park, we were already drenched by the heavy rain. It was terribly cold but we don't care. So when we arrive there, we bought the tickets for RM43 per person and they will provide us lunch. After that, we entered the main entrance and we just keep our valuable belongings into a locker that costs us RM12 and jumped into the water directly. There's no need to change our clothes first as we were already wet.

We didn't take any pictures when we were enjoying our time playing at the water theme park because we keep all our valuable things in the locker and the locker can only be opened once. If we open it more than once, we need to pay RM12 again. So, to save money, we just enjoyed our time there without taking any pictures.

After we were satisfied with our time there, we changed our clothes and take our belongings so that we can take some pictures as a memory. Suddenly, the rain stopped. We played all the games at the water theme park while it was still raining. Then it suddenly stopped when we were done with everything. We were quite frustrated but we don't care as long as we know that our time there was great!

Me after enjoying my time there!

Me and my friends. Selfie!

My friends, Ila and Miera.

Me and my friend Tyra at the main entrance.

So that's all about my trip to A Famosa Water Theme Park. There will be more posts about Melaka, my home town real soon. Good bye for now!

Thank you for reading :)