Monday, August 10, 2015

MELAKA, My Hometown: A Famosa Water Theme Park

Hello everyone!

Melaka is where I was raised. So, I think it is not wrong to promote Melaka to all of you because it is my beloved hometown which brings one thousand and one memories. The Historical City of Melaka. That's what its called. Tourists from all round the world came here. This charming and beautiful city is certified by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site with a rich trading history and multicultural heritage. Melaka is a town which over the years had been developing various of traditional cuisines. But, in this entry, I am not talking about the cuisines in Melaka but I am talking about one of the places that I went to which is A Famosa Water Theme Park that had been in Melaka for quite some time already.

On the 6th August 2015, my friends and I decided to go to A Famosa Water Theme Park as we were so bored sitting at home and doing nothing. So, that morning, we rented a car at Merlimau for RM65. Thats the charge for using the car for half day in Melaka. And I almost forgot. My friend Tyra brought some fried rice and curry puffs as our breakfast because we were starving like crazy! Thank you Tyra! Then, when we started driving the car, it was raining heavily. Having a positive mind and thought of the rain is going to stop was our mistake. It did stop for a while but then it continued. It was raining like cats and dogs.

We stopped at Aeon Bandaraya Melaka to buy some things and my friend Ila need to go to the Celcom center to fix her broadband. After that we continued out journey to A Famosa Water Theme Park. When we arrived there at 11 am, the rain just won't stop. Before we were drenched because of the water theme park, we were already drenched by the heavy rain. It was terribly cold but we don't care. So when we arrive there, we bought the tickets for RM43 per person and they will provide us lunch. After that, we entered the main entrance and we just keep our valuable belongings into a locker that costs us RM12 and jumped into the water directly. There's no need to change our clothes first as we were already wet.

We didn't take any pictures when we were enjoying our time playing at the water theme park because we keep all our valuable things in the locker and the locker can only be opened once. If we open it more than once, we need to pay RM12 again. So, to save money, we just enjoyed our time there without taking any pictures.

After we were satisfied with our time there, we changed our clothes and take our belongings so that we can take some pictures as a memory. Suddenly, the rain stopped. We played all the games at the water theme park while it was still raining. Then it suddenly stopped when we were done with everything. We were quite frustrated but we don't care as long as we know that our time there was great!

Me after enjoying my time there!

Me and my friends. Selfie!

My friends, Ila and Miera.

Me and my friend Tyra at the main entrance.

So that's all about my trip to A Famosa Water Theme Park. There will be more posts about Melaka, my home town real soon. Good bye for now!

Thank you for reading :)

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