Sunday, August 30, 2015

MELAKA, My Hometown: The Shore Sky Tower

Hello everyone!

As I said in one of my posts before this, I will write more about Melaka, my hometown. So, in this post, I will write about The Shore Sky Tower. Enjoy!

On the 28th August 2015, me and my friends decided to travel around Melaka because all of my friends are going to pursue their studies away from Melaka. Some of them are going to Shah Alam, Terengganu and Pulau Pinang. We know that we will not be seeing each other often after this as the transportation is quite pricey.

All of us were raised in Melaka so there aren't many places that we haven't go yet. So, we went to a new attraction in Melaka which is The Shore Sky Tower. It is located beside the Melaka river and Kampung Morten. Because we were raised in Melaka, finding the place was easy. We arrived there in just a nick of time. Before going up to the sky tower, we decided to eat at Seoul Garden because all of us were starving. The Shore is a shopping gallery which consist of a hotel, a shopping complex and a tourist attraction, the sky tower. Amazing!

We arrived at The Shore shopping gallery at 11 am and we were starving because almost all of us didn't take our breakfast yet. So, we decided to eat at the Seoul Garden restaurant. But unfortunately it opens at 11.30 am. So, before eating, we went to a shop called Sasa to look and try some of the makeup stuff there because it is located just near the Seoul Garden.

Girls being girls. Selfie and playing with makeup in just one photo!
A tricycle replica at The Shore shopping gallery.

Me and my friends taking a picture at the mail box replica.
As soon as the Seoul Garden opened, we quickly go to the counter and paid for what we are going to eat in the restaurant. We brought our student card, so we paid much cheaper than the usual price.

Some of the raw meat that have been marinated with various flavours. And we have to cook them ourselves.

After filling our stomach at the Seoul Garden, we went up to the sky tower. It cost us RM18 per person to just go up there. The sky tower in on the 42nd floor of the building and it is the tallest building in Melaka. When we were there, the view was just breathtaking! It is great to see where we were raised all this time from up high. The place is also beautiful. We were just speechless.

Just me.
Me and my friends at the Sky Tower.
Our view from the Sky Tower.

At the sky tower, there is a glass platform where we can ask the photographer to take our pictures. But, we can't take the pictures using our own camera. It must be from the photographer's camera then we can buy one of the pictures for RM45. They gave us the printed version of the picture and a QR code that we can scan and save the picture.

The printed version of our picture and the QR code.

The picture that we saved after scanning the QR code.
So, that's all for this entry. I hope you enjoyed reading it.

Thank you! :)

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