Thursday, September 3, 2015

MY HOBBY: Baking

Hello everyone!

In this post I will share about one of my hobbies which is baking. I love baking. When I bake, it feels like the whole world is mine. Baking is like super therapeutic to me. I can be having a really bad day and by just preparing the ingredients and starting to mix everything up and finally putting the mixture into the oven turns the day around. It releases my stress and somehow I think it is some kind of my way of escaping the real world. I don't know. Maybe it is just the way I think of it. But hey, it is not wrong to have a hobby, right?

Besides, I love learning about new techniques in baking, ingredients and the whole new ideas in baking. I also love how the things that I bake makes people happy and as a whole, makes me happy. I also love the feeling when I pull something out from the oven, it turned out to be something fluffy and just perfect for everyone. All those experiments with different recipes, it all just worth it when the thing I pull out from the oven is perfect in every way. I love everything about baking except doing the dishes. My mother will always be scolding me after I turned her kitchen upside down.

The look on my friends face when they tasted any of my baking experiments just make me step out of this world for a moment. The joy that the things I bake makes people happy makes me happy too. I can't really describe more about it as it is a very subjective matter and not every human in the world share the same passion and hobby as I do. But again, hey, it is not wrong to have a hobby, right?

Red Velvet cake topped with grated cheddar cheese.
One of the cakes that I baked. Oh, and that orchid is from my mother's garden.
Sorry mama!

Thank you for reading! :)

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